Product Illustration Guidelines

Art Direction and Illustration


Standards for product illustrations for sales tools and spec pages.



For primary dimension illustrations, the ideal product angle is 3/4 front facing right. This high-angle perspective provides a comprehensive view of the product that makes height, width, and depth easy to discern.



For secondary dimension illustrations, the ideal product angle is front and side facing.


Illustration Margins

Scale should be represented consistently within product families. Through the use of varying margins, assets can be scaled to best represent the size of a product. Products should always be framed within margins.


Stroke and Fills

Strokes were established based on standard dartboard sizes. Fills to highlight product features were also specified to guarantee consistency.


Level of Detail

3D models often include more detail than is necessary to communicate a product’s dimension, components, and overall form. Lines that represent hardware, curve radiuses, or hidden seams should be omitted.


With an ever growing portfolio of products and brands, these standards provided centralized knowledge for global teams.