Brand identity studies for a video tech company.

Design and Art Direction


Epiphan wanted to create a brand identity that felt more human, less technical. The identity features the Epiphan wordmark, a saturated color palette, and a set of supporting icons and graphics to communicate hybrid event connectivity.



Epiphan is a innovator in hybrid event video experiences. The Epiphan wordmark features the cleanliness of Swiss Style with softer letterforms that feel more human—representing the efficiency of technology supporting people.


The Epiphan graphic system is built from a pattern of icons representing different parts of video and teleconferencing interfaces.



Swiss typeface Söhne is used as the primary typeface throughout, with a mono-spaced version for more technical information.


The color palette is comprised of Epiphan green, purple, cyan, and pink. Supporting brand gradients serve as backgrounds for digital tools and environmental installations.